13 Definite Signs You’ve Found The Perfect Travel Mate


“I have found out that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.” — Mark Twain

Going on a trip whether it’s short or long, is best shared with a travel mate that understand you. A friend from your daily life may not be your travel partner. The best travel mate is someone who has a similar travel spirit as you. However, if you’re traveling solo and you yearn that closeness of a friendship I suggest you look out for this criterion that might fit for your travel mate.

1. Their budget is similar to yours

Discussing financial matters is never easy. However, when you clarify and share a mutual understanding of each other’s expectations, then you’ll both avoid trouble later. So before you set off on your getaway, it’s crucial to align both budget expectations by asking these essential pre-trip questions:

– What’s your budget for the trip?

– What are your expectations for where we stay— for example, are you ok staying at Airbnb or sharing a room in a hostel?

– What kind of activities would you prefer— for example, exploring the outdoors, going into museums, or eating at new places every day?

– Where do you not feel comfortable spending money?

2. They respect you

Respect is huge when it comes to traveling. Everybody comes from different background and culture. Hence, respecting each other will go a long way.

3. They know how to have fun

A good travel mate is someone who knows to have fun. Even though not all travel partners will share the same “frequency” as you but find one that pushes you to take more bold actions and always keep pushing yourself.

4. They have a similar trip plan

In some ways, you have the same idea of what makes a perfect trip. If laying on the beach and having a slow day is what you’re looking for, then a city-trotter won’t be happy lazing around.

5. They laugh a lot

A good travel mate is when they have a good sense of humor. They know when to change a bad experience into a good one by just giggling about it.

6. And they still laugh a lot when bad things happen

There’s always something wrong bound to happen when you travel and a laugh and positive attitude is sometimes the only thing that can solve it.

7. They understand your obsession with social media.

Those Likes and Love from your travel mate shows that they know what is it like to travel. Throwback moment post on Instagram / Facebook can make you smile.

8. They’re willing to help take your photo

The advantage of going with your buddy is that you’re 100% guarantee would have a good picture of you. Who needs selfie stick when you got a friend to help out?

A common challenge that all solo traveler or even travel bloggers will experience is that asking a stranger to take your photo often can’t get that perfect photo. “I would always wait and observe the people before I’m asking them to take my picture because I want to make sure they got the shoot correctly. When there’s no one in the area I will adjust my selfie stick, so my photo angle looks natural,” said Ankita Sinha from AnkiOnTheMove.

9. Curious…curious

They want to know everything. Where’s the hidden gem in the city? They would try to find the most interesting and make sure it would become an incredible memory together.

10. You feel ok with spending 24 hours together

Sometimes when you’re tired of being surrounded by new people all the time; “me” time is necessary. Yet, having to deal with arguments from your travel mate at this time would be specially annoying. Having very different opinions will make your travel mate your least favorite person on earth. After all the difficulties, discussion, and frustration, you still won’t mind having them as your company.

11. You never run out of topics

The best part of having a travel mate is whatever condition you are both in; there’s always something to talk about.

12. Or…it feels alright to just stay in silence

You will spend hours with this person. The last thing you want is to always ‘entertain’ them. There are times when you’re tired and want to be alone, but you’re stuck with your travel mate. When you’re comfortable being near them without having a conversation this is a good indicator that you have found your travel mate.

13. You have a good chat

Being on the road can be boring. A good topic does not come quickly. Who wants to keep repeating your story about why you travel? Or the dread of someone ask you this question: “so, where are you from?” An excellent travel mate is someone who never runs out of good things to talk about.