25 Years Later, Here Are 5 Things ‘The Blair Witch Project’ Taught Us NOT To Do
It's been a quarter of a century since The Blair Witch Project frightened audiences, and here's what it teaches viewers about life.

It’s been a quarter of a century since The Blair Witch Project frightened audiences, and here’s what it teaches viewers about life.
The year is 1999, and fans lose it over a found-footage horror film where three student filmmakers head into the dark and mysterious Black Hills to create a documentary about a myth in the area. Needless to say, The Blair Witch Project inspired an entire new subgenre of horror, as it had everyone wondering if it was a true story or not (it wasn’t), and kickstarted a whole new franchise exploring the legend of the Blair Witch.
Looking back on the movie 25 years later, no one can dispute its influence and how it freshened up the spooks on screen. It proved how it’s possible to create a scary story on a shoestring budget and script trumps expensive special effects every single time. Also, it demonstrated a handful of examples of what people should NOT do if they decide to go into the forest to search for witches.
1. Don’t go camping – ever
Ah, the great outdoors. Humans and nature joined as one, with only the stars above and ground below. Sounds amazing, doesn’t it? No, it sucks, actually. Apart from how freaking cold the night truly is and the bugs creeping into crevices no one even thought they had, The Blair Witch Project demonstrates how no one can hear you scream in the forest. Oh, there are invisible children laughing in the distance or the tent starts to violently shake? Too bad, too sad – cry yourself to sleep, maggot! Every person who wants to get in touch with nature soon realizes that there’s nothing quite like the warmth and comfort of one’s own bed, running water, and a lock on the door.
2. Don’t run toward danger – run from it
Before venturing into Black Hills, Heather, Mike, and Josh speak to several Maryland residents to find out more about the legend. Heck, they’re even warned of the infamous Rustin Parr who kidnapped kids in the 1940s. At the same time, they learn about the slaughters, missing kids, and a woman whose feet don’t touch the ground. So, what do they do after they receive all this vital information? They head in the exact direction of where the potential danger lies to become isolated from the world and tempt fate to come and get them. Yes, they’re trying to create a documentary and that takes risk and courage, but why can’t they be like other student filmmakers and film the moving clouds for a few hours instead?
3. Don’t leave home without tissues
Even though Heather meets her doom in The Blair Witch Project, one of the lasting images of her is the blubbering sequence where she films an apology and her snot and tears splatter everywhere. Arguably, it’s the most memorable scene from the film as it’s even parodied in Scary Movie. There’s a lesson to be learned here, though: Don’t be like Heather; carry tissues wherever you go. Whether it’s in the middle of the forest as the supernatural lurks or in a movie theater before the credits begin, a nose knows no routine, deciding to turn on the faucet and leak at the most awkward of times. Imagine how embarrassing it must be to die covered in crusty or slimy boogers.
4. Don’t be a hero when something weird happens
From the moment Heather, Mike, and Josh enter Black Hills, they become the living embodiment of the “This is Fine” meme. Weird occurrences happen from the get-go, as they see strange things and even get piles of rocks stacked outside of their tent. It’s as if something is trying to spook them intentionally, right? Instead of hightailing it as soon as it becomes eerie, they stick around and apply a let’s-wait-and-see mentality. Well, they certainly see it in the end. Also, why in the world would anyone run into an abandoned house that boasts freaky symbols and bloody marks? If that’s not all, they journey further into the deep, dark basement where absolutely no good can await them. Have these people not watched a horror movie in their lives at all?
5. Don’t trust your friends
In times of high stress and anxiety, people react in different ways. Expectedly, it’s not the best time to find out a friend is about as useful as a cheese sandwich in a gunfight. Heather and Josh find this out the hard way in The Blair Witch Project, as Mike proves to be more dangerous to their chances of survival than any supernatural entity. This clown becomes frustrated and KICKS THEIR MAP into the creek, forcing them to rely on a compass for direction (who even knows how to use a compass except for Bear Grylls?!). The worst part? He does this after they have already experienced weirdness in Black Hills. It’s yet another example of why people should be extra cautious of trusting their companions in dire situations. After all, there are people in this world who will feed you pineapple or banana on pizza and not think anything of it.
Learn more about The Blair Witch Project from our spooky sister site, Creepy Catalog: 41 Fascinating Facts About ‘The Blair Witch Project’