When You Realize There’s Something Missing


He was everything I could have ever wanted. Ruggedly handsome, intelligent, a driven philanthropist, an outdoorsman. But something was off with our love. The constant mood was that something was missing. It was as if every clause ended with a lingering but… but what? Our sense of humor were witty jabs at one another. Hilarious tales that left me in binds in the afternoon.

We collided and clashed, pushing one another out of stubbornness and arrogance to become different. To become more fully developed as humans. We fed off of each other’s creativity, causing beautiful spurts of inspiration which kept us busy, as if we weren’t already.

Our worst sides brought out the best in the other, and the fervor of our biting words carried in the air. The romance and passion were almost tangible when we were together. We were both too determined and driven to give up our dreams to follow the other in theirs. Supportive, yet blindly letting go of our own aspirations was something we couldn’t do.

Maybe it was the fact that we loved each other, or at least I loved him, but we were not in love with one another. Maybe our stubbornness to give up was too great as well. Our lives were two lines that ran perpendicular, once touching but never shooting towards the same end.

The time I spent with you will not be forgotten, and never regretted. You helped me grow tall and full of grace, like a vine, and for that I can never thank you enough. You’ll always be with me and I hope I will always be a part of you.