5 Things To Include In Your Budget For 2017 That Are Absolutely Worth The Money


As 2016 comes to a close, people begin prepping for 2017 with new goals, to-do lists, and updated budgets. While it’s great to cut back the spending and save, there are a few items that you should include in your budget that will actually make your life better.


Travel is one investment that’s always worthwhile. Life is too short to keep your wanderlust on hold. This year, incorporate a great road trip or destination vacation into your 2017 budget. First, pick a location and book your travel accommodations. This gives you something to look forward to during the mundane work weeks and can even improve your creativity. When your vacation date arrives, set out, explore the city, photograph like crazy, eat great food, and come home happier and filled with rich experiences.


Adding a furry friend to your home can provide several benefits. When you have a pet, you have an automatic best friend. Pets teach you how to take care of someone besides yourself and give you unconditional love. Owning a pet can also make you healthier; studies show that people with pets generally have lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels. Pets will make your life infinitely better in 2017.


Education is an ongoing process. Just because you’ve received your diploma doesn’t mean you have finished your education. This year, allot a portion of your budget for a class. Sign up for a language or art course at your local community college, take a dance or fitness class at a nearby recreation center, or learn a new skill like Photoshop or Excel. Find something that interests you and sign up to learn in 2017. It’ll expand your interests, make you more marketable and give you something to discuss at parties.

High Tech Home

Because we live in a tech-driven world, it’s only fitting that we begin to outfit our homes with smart features that can be controlled via smart phone or tablet. This year, consider investing in home automation features that allow you to remotely control everything from your thermostat, sprinklers, and lights to your coffee maker and blinds. Investing in tech saves you time, keeps you organized, and can even help you save money.


Losing weight and staying fit are among the top three New Year’s resolutions people make each year. Accomplish this goal once and for all and invest in a gym membership, fitness classes, or home-workout equipment. While all of these require an upfront cost, the long-term benefits are clear. Living a healthy lifestyle can lengthen your life, decrease stress, and increase energy—making you safer and happier in 2017.