I Will Fall In Love With You In A Billion Ways


I will fall in love with you in a billion ways. I will fall in love with you with the core of my sobriety. Not when I am happy, nor when I am sad, nor when I am vulnerable. I will fall in love with you because I will choose to. Cliché as it is but that’s how it will go. I will fall in love with you despite the reasons not to. I know how cheesy this sounds but love can always be cheesy.

I will fall in love with you in a billion sunrises and in a billion sunsets. I will fall in love with the way you run your fingers through my hair and make me lay on your lap because you know it makes me drowsy. How you break out into a laughter that quiets the room after I told a horrible, horrible joke, that even Patrick Star would not tolerate, because you understand my weird. We would laugh at stupid things in a Woody Woodpecker sound and we’d laugh even more, and I’ll love you even more.

I will fall in love with you because you don’t want me to change. You don’t want me to be a reflection of somebody you saw in magazines, or in movies, or in soap operas, because you know we have our own. I will fall in love with you because you warned me about your monthly cramps and explained to me why it is enough excuse for your “bitchery” even though you know I would never understand.

I will fall in love with you because you don’t insinuate anything about my intelligence (or lack thereof, say, about jellyfishes, for example.) You respect and treat me like your equals, and anybody for that matter. Remember when you willingly held a street kid so close to you like she was your own? Yeah, I could’ve asked you to marry me that instant because I saw the genuine and pure love you have in your heart.

I will fall in love with you because you understand that men aren’t always strong. You know we have the right to get hurt, or to cry, or to be mushy or clingy sometimes. I will fall in love with you because you make me miss you. You are infinitely, intimately ticking inside me that I lose count at three. I will fall in love with you because you know how to smile, and by doing so you make me expose my crooked teeth that I do not do often. I will fall in love with you because you do not make me stutter, because you make me so confident in myself that I could walk straight through beautiful people and your eyes will still meet mine.

I will fall in love with you because you do not judge or hate. You understand that the mistakes people make does not, and should never define them. I will fall in love with you because you pray. You pray for and with me. You ask and fast for me. I will fall in love with you because you give everything a chance.

And lastly, I will fall in love with you because I know that if the timing’s right, you would hold me like you did to the street kid and tell me that you too, will fall in love with me, in a billion twilights, in a billion summers, and in a billion probabilities.