A Gun Nut Thought He Was Tweeting A Petition To Ban Internet Trolls, But Wait Until You See What He Actually Shared


Earlier this week my pal Rob Whisman decided to respond to gun nuts on Twitter in hilarious fashion. Every time they’d talk about how Obama isn’t going to come and take their guns, he would respond with something like this:




It was hysterical watching grown men get so mad at the idea of their guns kissing and explaining why they’d never allow that to happen. One user took particular offense to Whisman’s tweets and started relentlessly tweeting at Whisman with vague threats wrapped in borderline insanity:




Which only evoked more hilarious responses like this:

This led ICPChad to make a 15-minute video that may be the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.


In the video he explains that his name has nothing to do with the Insane Clown Posse and how the government has created bots on Twitter to brainwash people and push their anti-gun agenda. Stick around until the end because at one point his neighbor starts doing woodwork and it’s loud you can barely hear him speak, but he keeps pressing on.

What happened next can only be explained as magical.

I decided to tweet him and thank him for his diligent service in dealing with internet trolls:

I would like to note that there’s no need to panic about my battery life. I charged the phone before it died and it’s doing well. Thank you for your concerns. I figured he would respond positively since he retweeted anyone that agreed with him. I was right so far:

Now I figured I would send him something ridiculous to get him to block me and possibly inspire another video. Instead something truly amazing happened. I sent this tweet and instead of blocking me, he blindly retweeted it:

It looks innocent enough, but the thing is, there is no petition. Here’s what happens if you click on that link:

It’s a gif of a cat pooping in the toilet. Immediately the word spread that this guy, who had spent days yelling at strangers on the internet about how he’s smarter than all of them and can never be trolled, just retweeted a cat pooping.



Not only was it retweeted, but also complimented:

Everything was going great, but then the whole thing was foiled. Wait until you see the name of the guy that spoiled it:

ROB CEE!? Is this real life? It’s like a bizarro me that came along to undo everything I had done. Now the jig was up and ICPChad exposed me for what I really am:

He then came up with an even bigger conspiracy as to who may be overseeing all of the government’s fake trolling accounts. You ready for this one?

If that doesn’t make you think, then truly nothing will open your sheep eyes.

Look, I’m sure some people will look at this and think it’s stupid, but when you deal with an onslaught of insanity on Twitter and social media every day, it’s nice to be able to have fun with it and poke a few of the trolls with a stick. I just hope they lock up all of their guns because Rob Whisman and that toilet cat are coming to collect them all.