A Prayer For All The Refugees In The World


Maybe this is the time when you’re almost running out of hope in humanity from this world. This might be the time when you start believing that the world will never be on your side and nothing can help you and your family but miracles. Maybe right now you’re looking at the ruins of your city for the last time and you have no idea when you can come back to those buildings which keep your memories alive.

I know these words of mine won’t stop the chaos in your country, but from the deepest of my heart; I’m sorry.

I’m sorry that you’ve left your heart and the people you’ve lost in the city where you’ve spent your childhood. I’m sorry that they destroyed your home and the neighborhood, which once kept your laughter when you were playing with your friends at five years old. I’m sorry that your childhood was transformed into nothing but ruins.

I’m sorry that you have to let go of your dreams. I’m sorry that it’s hard for you to pursuing the Bachelor degree in the university which you’ve always wanted. They have taken away your right to education and the world keeps silent about it. I’m sorry that you can’t go to school because you have to make sure all of your family members stay safe.

I’m sorry that you have to put your fate and destiny in the hands of the governments and the international communities. I’m sorry that you can’t decide anything because your voice won’t be heard. I’m sorry that your freedom has to be sacrificed with those political issues in which you were actually never being involved.

I’m sorry that the world is cruel in which power becomes its fuel.

I’m sorry that you have to wake up from the sound of bombings and you can’t sleep well because of those never ending threads of facing the death. I’m sorry that you have to face the fears and being exposed to countless traumas each day. I’m sorry that you have to cross the ocean in order to live longer. I’m sorry that you have to leave your own country which used to be your home.

I’m sorry that despite your struggles of being alive, people are still judging your faith. I’m sorry if some of us are being ignorant and deciding to have a debate over religion issues instead of finding a way to keep you safe and sound. I’m sorry if you start to lose hope in humanity.

I’m sorry that I can’t assure you that everything will be fine. I’m sorry if many of us can only help you through donations and through our hopeful prayers.

Whatever happens, please have faith that there is still a bit of kindness in this universe.

Please have faith that there are still millions of people are supporting you from afar. There are still many people who try to find a way to save you and your loved ones from the hatred of the world. We are proud that you have survived this far and please keep trying to make your voice being heard.

Because, we hear you and we will always try to make the world to see you.

God has plans for you and His plans are always beautiful. I hope you realized that you are the symbol of humanity and you are the inspiration for those people who take their blessings for granted.

I’m sorry and my prayers are always being with you, your parents, brothers, and sisters.