Rania Naim

Writing makes me feel alive. Words heal me.

10 Ways To Keep Going During Tough Times

Losing your job could lead to a better job, ending a relationship can lead to a better relationship, losing someone can pave the way for deep self-reflection and make you a better person. There is always a rainbow after the storm.

Be Your Own Universe

Be a star in the sense that you don’t need validation or confirmation from anyone that you are a star. A star just knows its worth, a star knows it’s a star whether people agree or not. Be a star in everything you do and watch the whole galaxy make room for you.

You’re Allowed To Leave 

You’re allowed to leave any story you don’t find yourself in. You’re allowed to leave any story you don’t love yourself in.

We Are All Still Kids At Heart

We still get mad when things don’t go our way, we still don’t like hearing the word ‘no’ or getting rejected, we still hate it when we want someone who does not want us back and we still hate feeling ignored or neglected. We still don’t know how to deal with abandonment.

How You Approach Love, Based On Your Element

Air. If your element is air, you’re a dreamer, a profound thinker and you’re searching for this one sensational love. You don’t settle for anything in life and like air you’re always changing to become perfect and find the perfect person for you.

Your Text Is Two Years Late

I almost forgot how to talk to you. I don’t know how to respond to a stranger who was once a lover. How do we go from exchanging secrets to exchanging small talk? How do we talk about nothing when we used to talk about everything?

Good Things Go For Better Things To Come

It’s up to you to think of your future as a blessing or a curse. Because as long as you’re alive and breathing, the world needs you for something and it’s better to get excited about it and think it needs you for something great instead of thinking that the good days have come to an end.