Rania Naim

Writing makes me feel alive. Words heal me.

When You’re The ‘Good Girl’

When you’re the ‘good girl’ you’ll always be misunderstood, you’ll be labeled ‘uncool,’ maybe ‘weird’ but never loved, never given the attention you deserve, never getting the ones you want because you live in a society that praises the bad and the bold, the loud and obnoxious, the ones who don’t like to sit in a corner.

To All The People Who Gave Up On Me, Thank You

If it wasn’t for your constant disapproval and rejection, I wouldn’t have found my own voice and I wouldn’t have found the courage and the strength to fight your voices and follow my own. Thank you for giving up on me so easily, you taught me how to fight for myself.

Letting Go Is Not The Same As Losing Hope

When you decide to let go, it doesn’t mean you stopped caring or you lost hope, it just means that you’ve reached a point where you stopped trying to make others care or trying to make them love you.