Anxiety Is A Mental Illness, Not An Adjective


Does it really “give you anxiety”

Do you find yourself lost within your own mind, trapped and suffocating on the emotions that have stopped you dead in your tracks?

Have you lost your breath, afraid it may never come back?

Do you find yourself reaching for someone or something to take away the debilitating panic that has saturated every single thought?

Does your stomach feel numb, tight or struck with so much pain you’re ready to run to the bathroom and stay there for hours?

Do your bones feel like they have liquidated and left you with no support?

Is your vision blurred? Are your eyes even open or have you shut them in an attempt to make the millions of thoughts that flood your mind stop?

Do you feel hopeless, like you might not survive this crippling fear?

Do you feel any of that?

Or have you knowingly or unknowingly downplayed the severity of anxiety by using it in your daily jargon?

Anxiety is a mental illness; not an adjective.

Anxiety is life changing, not a quick bundle of nerves before a test or a feeling of apprehension before discovering an outcome.

Anxiety is powerful and it’s not to be downplayed.

Anxiety is not synonymous with the daily struggles of life that aren’t comparable to a mental illness.

Anxiety is real and it is painful;

Anxiety is not an adjective.