The Art Of Following Your Own Blueprint


As the year comes to an end, we often start thinking about what we have learned about ourselves. Did we stay in our lane? Did we do our best? Did we meet our expectations? Or did we solely focus on what others were doing?

As we ask ourselves these questions, it’s good to remind ourselves that what we focus on, the Universe delivers. We also need to remind ourselves that we are stronger and better than some world events that are beyond our control; the world is still spinning just like before, and we are all sitting firmly on the rock hurtling through space.

You might also find that those who pursued their manifestation journeys confidently worked on their mindsets and stayed on their lane ended up succeeding. They also most likely stuck to their original blueprint, their detailed life plan, and used the simple ways to manifest by having a vision, embodying the feelings, showing up, staying open to it all, and having gratitude.

What you can learn from this is that following your blueprint can make you feel confident and strong. And simply mastering your time according to your blueprint makes you grow in so many ways. Having clear schedules helps you to stay centered and sane. If you stay in your lane, you are more likely to succeed because you’ll have fewer disappointments and regrets later in life; mastering the art of fulfillment becomes easy. Certain people, especially life coaches, will tell you that by taking a leap of faith, a bridge will appear, and you will be fine. The truth is most of the time, it will not, because nothing is certain. What they often forget to highlight is that we need to embrace the uncertainty, but within our chosen road. If who we become is what makes us happy, then following the blueprint we created in our minds is the only way. Don’t let others influence you.

If you are religious and believe life is good because God is great, then keep believing. Don’t let others change your belief because it’s not cool or doesn’t match their blueprint. As you grow up, your unique blueprint becomes a larger mind map. You are the subject, crystallized in a center image, surrounded by the main themes of your life.

If you always felt that you didn’t fit in the small town you grew up in or other social circles, start following your calling. There’s an open road waiting for you in your mind map. You notice that you start radiating different themes of more importance to you as you figure out who you are and become a stronger person.

Following your blueprint also gives you something to look forward to and the ability to serve something bigger than yourself. This is the safe bet to art of fulfillment. When you expand your worldview, you realize that the same problems exist around the world—there are the same goals and dreams, the same need for certainty and fulfillment. Nonetheless, when we simplify our everyday life and our need for fulfillment, we find it’s easier to stick to our blueprint. Simple things like decluttering your home, tracking your time, slowing down, and enjoying every task towards your goal will help you along the way.

When you start creating goals for the future, remind yourself of your power. Forget about the social markers, the source of your power is attached to the ability to align your desires with positive goals. You don’t need to be a racehorse gaining status just to impress others with fancy job titles or seemingly successful relationships. Look forward to happiness. We don’t need to achieve anything visible at all. You might achieve inner peace, contentment, and fulfillment just by being there for others, being a good friend or a parent, and supporting a higher purpose on the sidelines. It’s all about reframing your power to suit you and your happiness blueprint.

When we focus on staying in our lane, we turn it into individual experience. Our homes are an example of our individuality in a way we all have one spot in our homes that makes us feel comfortable and allows us to be ourselves. We might have that one special painting or a photo on the wall that reminds us of happy memories and contentment. It helps us to feel real.

Artists will seldom see a fortune from their work, but putting the work out for the public to see will complete the artist as a person. This is why artists create. This is why we should follow our blueprint too; it teaches us what the process is about and what it all teaches us about ourselves. A lot of writers write for themselves to fulfill their dreams and to sustain art. The success for many artists is based on their authenticity, and that in turn is based on their unique blueprint.

It’s important to take time to choose the paths worth fighting for. Your life is always a series of decisions. You can’t help thinking if you had done something differently, your life would be better and you wouldn’t have any of the problems you have now. It isn’t so straightforward. You could have chosen a different direction and ended up in a worse situation.

Successful multimillionaire and life coach Tony Robbins’ mission is to save those who are brokenhearted and crushed in spirit. He does this without moralizing but forces us on the center stage to look at our lives. He tells us our blueprints are the core problem of our unhappiness and not to be afraid to change our blueprint. The harsh reality is that the average person seldom has the financial or emotional ability to follow his great advice. In his ideal world, everybody becomes financially successful and emotionally fulfilled, the better quality of life and abundance is just around the corner. If you are someone heavily involved in drugs, you can’t just throw away your needles and never use them again, your last track mark remaining only as a reminder of your old life. It’s not easy to walk away from an abusive relationship if someone has been controlling you for years. It’s not easy to start a business without any assets or financial track record. The reality is that it is never easy for the average person to change their lives.

When life coaches and successful people portray life this way and try their best to make you feel invincible, it can make you feel exhausted and a little flat. Put your trust, effort, and learning into understanding your journey and carefully choosing the paths worth fighting for; life will get tedious, and it’s perfectly normal. It doesn’t mean you are failing just because you can’t hit six figures a life coach told you is possible for everyone. Life is still beautiful and worth it even if it’s lackluster at times—it will fade just like every season.

Life is always nudging you to survive. And when you reflect on the past year, take an honest look at what worked for you. Assess the certainty if you were to stick with your original blueprint by tapping into the feelings of your higher self.