Your Prince Charming Will Never Come


Your Prince Charming will never come.

It might sound sad, but it really isn’t. If anything it’s probably the most wonderful thing that can ever happen to you. So stop waiting for a tall, blue eyed, blonde prince with a magical glass slipper in his hands. Buy yourself some nice sneakers and go hardcore with them. If you lose them, buy another one, because you can.

Build your own castle if you want to live in one and don’t let anyone, and I mean anyone come in the way of your happiness. Make mistakes, fall on the ground, curse hard, and let your hair loose, sweat like a pig for all I care. Do whatever it takes to keep that smile on your face.

I’m not saying those fairytales are shit. In a world so full of lessons, you are entitled to your share of sweetness. Fairytales make us happy because we know that they aren’t real. Fairytales are our escape. There is no need for us to idealize them.

We don’t have to change our stories, we have to change the way we perceive them. And haven’t we come a long way since these were established. Hundreds of years ago, who would’ve thought about women ruling the world, about women being as equally active as men? It is amazing that the recent tales have a contemporary touch to them, but we can’t alter a perfectly good story that is as old as time just because we don’t like certain aspects of it.

Tell these stories to your daughters and to your sons, but also make sure they live on the other side of the glass. We don’t have to idealize fictional characters; we are humans with so many more powers. We can have whatever we want, let the princesses have their share too.

And then of course, there’s Barbie – the most iconic fashionista of the century. It’s just a doll, people. 100% plastic (minus the hair). Why does it matter what shapes or sizes it comes in? It just seems a little out of context sometimes, how we impose our insecurities on these lifeless creatures. What are we teaching our kids? To be like plastic dolls which buy off shelves in stores?

Well, I am a brown skinned size zero and I, wholeheartedly, believe that every size and shape of the human body is beautiful, irrespective of colour. As long as you are comfortable in your own skin, nothing matters. And I’ve never needed a legendary doll to tell me that.

I’ve played with Barbies, my friends have, and none of us ever felt bad looking at her. Probably because we know that it’s just a pretty doll manufactured for the sole purpose of making kids happy. Why is that so hard to understand?

As much as we need to stop personifying feminine, we also need to stop putting fictional characters and dolls as examples for our future generations. We need to be those examples.

WE need to show them how this life is better than the ones they read about; make them chase happiness as whoever or whatever they turn out to be. The only happy ending we can give them is to be their constant support as long as we can.