Why Dick Pictures Are A Form Of Virtual Sexual Assault


We joke about getting them, giving them and seeing them. They seem like they’re just harmless, laughable, desperate attempts to garner female attention. But they’re so much more than that.

I stand by my dramatic opinion that unsolicited dick pics are actually a form of virtual sexual assault. You can call me sensitive or blame this on my perpetual state of being offended as a millennial but we need to dissect this sick photographic expression.

Every dick pic is unique in how it’s delivered and what triggers it, but the base issue lies in insecurities – specifically rejection or emasculation. For example, recently, after swiping on an individual on Tinder, we decided to exchange numbers, we talked a bit but after some anticlimactic convo I decided that rather than ‘ghost’ this dude, I’d be honest and explain that I just wasn’t feeling it. Well, whoever said honesty is the best policy hasn’t been on Tinder lately.

His response to my rejection was a very poor quality photo, of a very erect penis which he cupped with his very flexed arm with a caption that read “u sure?”

Sir, after receiving that I couldn’t be more sure! It seems funny, hell it even seemed funny when I sent it to my BFF group chat, but the context of the photo is so toxic. I blatantly and honestly rejected someone – something I should be able to do for no reason, or for a reason, to which I was presented with a stranger’s dick. This penis was not a harmless joke, this penis was “how dare you reject me. And even though you’re rejecting me, I have the last word here. I am man.”

This was the human version of a dog pissing on me. Marking a territory that’s not his to mark, a territory that’s actually a human being.

Alternatively, there are other scenarios where a woman would be subjected to this, it could be simply that she’s not providing a male with enough attention. I know this situation well because this recently happened to my BFF. After a few flirty conversations with an old flame were leading nowhere, my best friend suggested to her ex that they either go out on a formal date or cease communication.

Regardless of her ultimatum, he continued small talk everyday, which of course continued leading nowhere. With this, she stopped answering his texts, Snapchats, pigeon notes and whatever else he was sending. In response to the silence, he sent her a photo of an erect penis covered only by the thin lining of his worn out Calvin Klein boxers with the message ‘lol u can’t ignore me :P”. Luckily, in 2016, we have his little handy button called ‘block’ so yes John, she can ignore you.

What the hell have we come to? Would this be okay if it was replicated IRL? Imagine a guy asked you out at a bar, you rejected him and he poked his erect penis into your thigh? That would be so fucked up. So who made this even remotely acceptable. No, not every guy does this of course but I guarantee you every female is against unsolicited pictures of dicks so I stand by my opinion. I think this act should be shamed more explicitly and men should really learn to keep their penis’s to themselves. Is that too much to ask?

Men, boys, whatever, the next time you think of sending a picture with your dick as the center of attention, think of your sister, your mother or hell, even little ol’grandma.

Total boner killer, right? Well I want you to think of them because I want you to imagine them receiving these pics just because they said no to something. Having to feel violated and cornered because for whatever reason another man (boy) isn’t sophisticated enough to realize we don’t want to see a picture of a penis.

Call me a man hating asshole if you want I don’t care because I know I’m not one. What I do know is I’m a feminist who believes in equality and I would  never send unrequested pictures of my genitals around. Dick pics are gross, men who have sent them should repent to their mothers and humans should respect eachother’s screens and eyes.