Ranking The GOP Candidates On How Hot They Were When They Were Young


As political pundits continue to discuss the GOP presidential primary, what better way to add to the discussion than to rank the candidates not on their political platforms but rather on the heat they all brought back in their hey days? In no particular order, here’s a list of the candidates before they were presidential material.

1. Donald Trump

“I’ll win you over with my assets.”

2. Ted Cruz

“I’ll never shut you down.”

3. John Kasich

“Are you from Ohio because I’d love for you to swing my way.”

4. Rand Paul

“I’ll protect our privacy.”

5. Chris Christie

“I don’t hold back on the hugs.”

6. Jeb Bush

“Will you give me the right to rise?”

7. Ben Carson

“My hands aren’t my only gift.”

8. Marco Rubio

“Lets Find a Path to Your Dreams.”

9. Scott Walker

“I’m not afraid to break up a union.”

10. Mike Huckabee

“Let me rock your world.”

Vote for the most swoon-worthy candidate in the comments below.