22 First Date Questions That Are Perfect For Bookworms


Bookworms tend to have a bad reputation in the dating scene. For some reason, people tend to assume that liking books is the same as disliking people. Actually, it is the other way around. While bookworms probably don’t enjoy making awkward small talk and observing strict social conventions, we are passionate about the human condition, what makes people tick, and the meaning of life.

This can make us tricky to date, unless you know the right way to get us to open up. Here are twenty two questions that will help bookworms come out of their shell a little bit. If you are a bookworm, use these to get to know this new character in your life (and to figure out if they are worth keeping around). If you are going on a date with a bookworm, these questions will make them light up.

1. How passionate are you about the Oxford comma controversy?

2. What is the longest book you’ve read?

3. How many times have you read your favorite book?

4. Do you believe in the saying “A picture is worth a thousand words”?

5. When was the last time you took a serious personality quiz?

6. What is your Myers-Briggs type?

7. Did you read your horoscope today?

8. Do grammatically incorrect text messages get on your nerves?

9. Do you prefer fiction or nonfiction?

10. How long have you been collecting books for your future personal library?

11. What was your favorite class in college?

12. When was the last time you did something that scared the shit out of you?

13. If you wrote your autobiography, what would it be called?

14. If someone else wrote you as a character in a work of fiction, what quirk do you hope they’d include?

15. What is your fallback drink to order at a bar?

16. How do you take your coffee?

17. How many religious/culturally sacred texts have you read?

18. What color do you think your soul is?

19. When was the last time you cried because of a song?

20. What is a quote that gets you through a crappy day?

21. If you could be remembered for one thing 100 years from now, what would it be?

22. Who is your hero?