This Is What Your Boyfriend Found Most Approachable About You Based On Your Zodiac Sign



(March 21st to April 19th)

Your boyfriend thought the most approachable thing about you was how you’re willing to strike up a conversation with anyone. You’re a breath of fresh air, and your upbeat energy makes people think you’re not going to reject them or be disinterested.


(April 20th to May 21st)

Your boyfriend thought the most approachable thing about you was how you seemed very grounded. You gave him the impression that you have it all-together and it was most likely because you did. You’re practical and have a good head on your shoulders and he could tell that from the very beginning.


(May 22nd to June 21st)

Your boyfriend thought the most approachable thing about you was your enthusiasm. You just seemed excited about life and it’s because you always are. You live with an energy that makes the most of every day. You don’t take anything for granted and your boyfriend could sense that.


(June 22nd to July 22nd)

Your boyfriend thought the most approachable thing about you was your kindness. You clearly care deeply about anyone who’s close to you, and it made him want to be one of those people. You’re loyal and compassionate, and he wanted to experience your compassion first-hand.


(July 23rd to August 22nd)

Your boyfriend thought the most approachable thing about you was how you command attention, rather than demand it. You thrive when you’re the center of attention, but you don’t NEED to be all of the time. He admired your confidence when all eyes were on you and the way you could be yourself without worrying what everyone else was thinking.


(August 23rd to September 22nd)

Your boyfriend thought the most approachable thing about you was your quiet side. He didn’t see your shyness as a flaw, he liked it. Your shyness made him want to get to know you more. You were like a mystery to him, and he wanted to delve deeper into what makes you, you.


(September 23rd to October 22nd)

Your boyfriend thought the most approachable thing about you was your sense of calm. He found it comforting. You’re not a nervous person, you’re always level and balanced and your presence was just solace for him. He felt like everything was going to be okay as long as you were there, and it was.


(October 23rd to November 22nd)

Your boyfriend thought the most approachable thing about you was your authenticity. You seemed comfortable being your authentic self and he admired that. He didn’t feel like you were being fake because you weren’t, and you never are. You are who you are, unapologetically and he loves that.


(November 23rd to December 21st)

Your boyfriend thought the most approachable thing about you was how you’re not like everyone else. You are unique in the way you carry yourself, the clothes you wear, the way you talk, and it’s because you’re cultured. You’ve been to many places and have met many different types of people. You’ve experienced all types of cultures, and people can tell that about you before even talking to you. Your boyfriend could tell that you’ve really lived.


(December 22nd to January 20th)

Your boyfriend thought the most approachable thing about you was your professionalism. He could tell that you were smart from the moment he first met you, and he liked that you wanted people to take you seriously. He could tell you were a very focused person and he admires a woman who knows what she wants.


(January 21st to February 18th)

Your boyfriend thought the most approachable thing about you was the way you engage in conversation. You really listen to people when they talk to you, and you don’t just listen, you offer the conversation something in return. You’re intellectual and smart and he could tell that you’re not indifferent to important issues.


(February 19th to March 20th)

Your boyfriend thought the most approachable thing about you was your artsy-ness. He could tell you were creative from the moment he laid eyes on you and he wanted to know more about your passion and the beautiful things you create. He was mesmerized by the way your mind works.