What It Means To Love An Alpha Woman Unconditionally


She loves hard and she loves fiercely.

She will love you in a way where inspiration grows through your veins every single day. She’ll tell you she loves you, but before she does, she tests you every step of the way to see if you are truly worthy of her love. This woman will push you and motivate you to become the best person you could possibly be. It won’t always be pretty but she’ll always mean well. To love this woman is to understand her independence, her drive, and her determination to live the most incredible life she’s ever imagined. This woman will never be submissive because she knows whoever ends up with her will be her equal, not just the missing piece.

She is born from pain and heartache where she’s been hurt and let down constantly. Women like her are a rare breed in this day and age, she is an absolute queen who knows how to turn her wounds into wisdom and her pain into power.

Before she met you, she had to overcome a few years’ worth of disappointments and heartache. She’s had to survive every trial and tribulation life threw her way and learned exactly what it took to be an outstanding woman. The day she met you, she wasn’t sure if you could handle her love. She was as hesitant as she’s never been. The day she met you, is when her life changed, for the better. She knew you were different but she couldn’t let her guard again as prior to meeting you, she’s been through moments like these when in the end she was either led on, let down, and feeling unloved. She knew exactly what she brought to the table, but she wasn’t sure if you did. The first few months felt like a repeat to her, of the good old times when a connection was new and easy. She felt like sometimes she was settling.

But it wasn’t until towards a few months in, the feeling of fear left her skin. She noticed it every time when she tested you to see how you really handled her temper, or how you react when she stands her ground and tells it like it is. She knows at times she can be a difficult person to be around, but you saw past it. It will take her a while to finally believe every compliment and every loving word that bounces off your lips, but you already knew that and you’re okay with it.

You understand the core principle of loving a strong woman is patience and respect.

Patient enough to put aside your own temper and put her feelings and emotions in front of it and do what every man has never been taught to do when dealing with a woman they love and respect her enough to listen to every word she says when she finally tells you what happened in the first place. This woman is a strong woman, she is a smart woman, she is an independent woman, but at the end of the day, she’s just like everybody else who just want to be loved too. You are her extra source of strength, of sunlight on a rainy day, and her added motivation on the days she thinks she can’t take it anymore.

Remember the woman beside you is a force to be reckoned with. She never needed you in her life, she wants you in it.

Everything she is and everything she has is earned from surviving the times in her life when everything was falling apart. It takes a strong man to love this woman unconditionally because she will make you invincible.