A Letter To My Future Love


I want your highs and your lows. I want your shuddering breaths of sorrows, your raspy sighs of regrets, your faint whispers of hopes, and your deep utters of happiness. I want you to stand beside me as I stand beside you. I want all of your faults, even the ones hidden beneath your skin, tucked behind your ears, locked inside your chest, and shoved away in your mind. I want you, and that includes details about you that you cherish, you desire, you hate, you ignore, you hide, and you show. I want the slant of your nose, the curve of your spine, the grooves of your neck, the shape of your lips, the expanse of your palms, the color of your eyes, the length of your body, the span of your shoulder blades, and the spaces between your fingers. I want your sleepy smiles and weary shrugs. I want your laughs – every single kind. The deep belly-aching one. The shy giggle. The short bursts of sounds from your lips that at the moment, you didn’t intend to make. The full-blown laugh, vibrant and real. I want every version of you, including your 3am personality, your daybreak persona, and your nightfall visage. I want aspects of you that you can’t share with anyone else. I want your past, whether or not it comes with a truckload of baggages. I want your drunken and sober thoughts. I want whatever it is that you can give to me and I’ll wait until you can share the rest with me as time goes on.