Molly Burford
Writer. Editor. Hufflepuff. Dog person.
26 Things To Say To A Loved One During An Anxiety Attack
I’m not going anywhere.
Target Is Selling Coffee Mugs That Hilariously Drag All The Zodiac Signs (And I Need One)
Whoever thought of this is definitely a Sagittarius.
This Is The Resolution You Should Set For 2018, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Virgo: 2018 should be the year of self-care. You can’t save everyone, Virgo, and it’s not your job to do so.
You Will Fall In Love Again
You will love again even though they promised you forever and still walked away. You will love again even thought your heart is still beating to the sound of their name.
This Is Your Biggest Pet Peeve In One Sentence, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Gemini (May 22nd to June 21st): Being given unsolicited advice from anyone, especially those who clearly do not have their shit together enough to be giving said advice (looking at you, MARGARET).
8 Sephora Hacks Every Woman Needs To Know (As Told By A Former Employee)
Besides getting a discount and learning fun makeup tricks and getting gratis, as an employee I learned a whole bunch of hacks that make navigating the store a whole lot easier.
56 Deep Questions To Ask Yourself In Your 20s To Help You Find Out Who You Really Are
Do I believe that everything is meant to be, or do I think that things just tend to happen for no reason at all?
What I Imagine ‘It’ Is Like Without Having Seen The Movie Or Read The Book
The American author Stephen King wrote this book called It. In the 1980’s, I think? Or maybe it was the 1970’s, I can’t say for sure.
This Is How I Got Over You
I dodged your name in conversations, and expertly did not flinch when someone did bring you up. I acted unfazed, aloof. Totally stable and healed.
Here Are 11 YouTube Beauty Gurus You Need To Be Obsessed With Right Now
Ingrid Nilsen (aka missglamorazzi) is the angel of YouTube. She is intelligent and eloquent and hardworking and talented and beautiful and kind and genuine, and oh my God, I just love her.
The Kind Of Person You’re Always Attracted To, Based On Your Love Language
Receiving Gifts: You’re always attracted to a person who is incredibly generous and thoughtful. The kind of person you always like is someone who is constantly thinking of what someone else needs.
Depression Isn’t Sadness So Please Stop Telling Me To ‘Choose Happiness’
You can’t kick the Prozac or Zoloft by thinking about how the sun is shining and that Beyonce and Jay-Z worked things out after “Lemonade” and had two beautiful twins.
A List Of Theories That Would Explain Why I’m Single
I’m too good for everyone!!!!!!
You’re Allowed To Be Happy Without Them
You’re allowed to stop listening for the echo of their goodbye, and you’re allowed to stop hoping for their call. You’re allowed to stop asking “What if?”
This Is How You Lose The Perfect Woman, Based On Her Zodiac Sign
Aries: You lose her when you treat her like an option, rather than a priority. As the first sign of the Zodiac, an Aries takes her needs and wants seriously.
Just So You Know, Your Depression Is Not Your Fault
Depression tells you that you are a bad friend, that you are bad at your job, that you have no hope for a better future.
Here’s What You’re Like As ‘The Single Friend,’ Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Pisces: You’re the single friend whose feelings don’t get taken seriously because you just have so. many. feels.
I Will Never Forget You, But I Will Let You Go
Slowly but surely, I will loosen my grip on the idea of us, of we.