When You Find The Right Person


I used to think relationships were supposed to be hard. I used to think that regular fights and disagreements were what constituted a healthy relationship. But no, a healthy relationship doesn’t have room for that seemingly endless cycle of arguing and fighting and making up. When you find the right person, the relationship will come naturally. No forced efforts, no tiring arguments, no sleepless nights.

When you find the right person, you’ll be able to see how much they love you just by the way they look at you. They’ll show you the kind of love that you thought only existed in those sweet, heartfelt country songs. They’ll have you feeling like you’re one of the best things that has ever existed on this earth. They’ll leave you in disbelief, making you question why you ever put up with all those toxic relationships from your past. But it’s okay, because when you find the right person, you’ll finally know what it feels like to be loved the way that you deserve. You’ll no longer be left with an unfulfilled thirst in your soul, because the right person will love you so fiercely and so deeply that you’ll feel like you’re getting drunk off their love.

When you find the right person, at first, you’ll be afraid you’re going to scare them away. With your weird little quirks, your insecurities… with the demons of your past. You’re going to find yourself holding back, despite their endless attempts to get you to open up. Eventually, you’ll give in. When you find the right person, you’ll find yourself talking about things you don’t even want to remember. But you discuss these things because you want them to understand why you are the way that you are. When you find the right person, they’ll take the time to actually listen to you. Then they’ll hold you tight, wipe away your tears, kiss you on the forehead and tell you that they love you. They’ll leave you questioning why you were so afraid to open up to them in the first place. Because when you find the right person, they’ll understand that everything that you’ve been through and every decision and mistake that you’ve made has made you who you are today. And that’s all that matters to them. When you find the right person, they’ll love you for all of you – past, present and future.

When you find the right person, you’ll feel an overflow of love and joy in yourself. You’ll want to constantly give everything you can to this person. You won’t expect anything in return, because you already know they’re doing their best to do the same for you. When you find the right person, you’ll find yourself doing some things you never enjoyed doing. But you do them anyway, because you know it’ll make their life just a little bit easier. When you find the right person, you’ll never feel forgotten or taken for granted. When you find the right person, they’ll notice every effort you put in no matter how big or how small it may be, and they’ll appreciate it and they’ll make sure you know it.

When you find the right person, you’ll know.