21 Articles I Have Considered Writing Just To Piss Off Commenters On Thought Catalog


1. Asians Driving Cars

a. just a video of asians driving cars totally normally

b. say nothing racist at all, but goad commenters into accidentally making racist comments by assuming implied racism because of own racist thoughts re: asians driving cars

2. Boys Rule

3. Boys Are Right About Girls

4. Boys Are Right About Everything

5. I Am Awesome

6. New York City Is Better Than Everything In General But Is Better Than You In Particular

7. ‘Privilege’ Is A Made Up Thing

a. privilege is not even a thing

b. you are privilege privileged (no one is allowed to challenge you on any of your bullshit arguments because you just call them privileged, which is a weird kind of rhetorical privilege)

8. Tao Lin’s Breakfast

a. a bunch of gifs of Tao Lin eating breakfast

b. one gif at the very end of Tao Lin eating lunch, maybe

9. You Could Stand To Try A Little Harder

a. it’s not really about the economy, you should just get a job

b. and eat healthier

10. Assorted Screen Shots Of Reddit Between The Hours of 8AM and 8PM Yesterday

11. LOL @ Gender Studies

12. A Dream I Had Last Night

a. something very vague and impressionist

b. every excruciating detail

13. Reality: 6 Contemporary Perspectives

a. legitimate intellectual discourse on abstract topic

b. big words

14. 19 Ways To [literally anything here]

a. but, instead of a list, it’s a YouTube video related to the topic

b. there is no list

15. Public Service Announcement For The Thought Catalog Community: Henceforth, We Will Only Publish Lists

a. explain why lists are better than everything

b. explain how TC commenters LOVE lists and reading lists all the time

16. Nicki Minaj Is Incredibly Talented, Actually

17. I Feel Bad For Pretty People

18. America: Great Place To Live, Actually

19. The Friend Zone (It Exists, And You Have Put Him There)

20. Racist Things That Have Happened To Me

a. (I am white)

21. 21 Articles I Have Considered Writing Just To Piss Off Commenters On Thought Catalog

a. I mean, duh

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image – Aurelien Breeden