10 Reasons Why You Should Date A Single Mother


I read a post today on Thought Catalog entitled “10 Reasons Why You Should Date A Woman Who Travels.” At first, my feathers got ruffled. I don’t travel (much). But I’m still very dateable. And worthy of it. As I took a look-see with this article, I realized something important.

All those points were exactly why men should date a single mother.

1. She is independent.

She’s raising little humans. On her own. Enough said.

2. She is curious.

She’s searching for the best ways to raise those kids and will stop at nothing to make sure she’s giving them the best she’s got.

3. She is open-minded.

She has to be, especially if she has more than one child. She’s raising her kids without the benefit of a full-time partner, and most solutions to life’s daily snafus are her responsibility. You have to think outside of the box to raise children to be independent thinkers.

4. She is less materialistic.

She knows that time is the most valuable commodity. She is in the moment when she’s with her kids, and that likely translates to being in the moment with whomever she chooses to spend time.

5. She is smart.

She’s balancing a budget, she’s taking care of the household, maybe she’s even going back to school, she’s making sure everyone’s needs are met, she’s making sure everyone’s having fun and enjoying life, and she’s damn well making sure the kids are learning the important life lessons they need.

6. She has great stories to tell.

There are no greater stories than those that raising children provide. Whether they’re full of laughter, or fraught with life lessons and heart-wrenching sadness, her stories are guaranteed to be fabulous.

7. She will understand if you cancel a date.

Clearly. She will most likely need to cancel a date, too. Her kids come first, yo.

8. She understands it’s the journey, not the destination.

Her goal isn’t just to raise independent children, it’s to gobble up every single fabulous moment with them along the way.

9. She feels good about herself.

Self-confidence skyrockets when she realizes she actually IS kicking ass at this single parent thing. She knows she can take care of business and do it well.

10. She will never forget you.

Time being the valuable commodity that it is, if she chooses to spend some of hers with you, chances are she finds something worth remembering about you.