Tell Yourself You’re Beautiful


I hope you tell yourself that you’re beautiful.

Yes, even you.

When you wake up in the morning and wash your face, I hope you look in the mirror and smile. I hope you see that human staring back at you, and recognize that there are a million, little, beautiful things to see, and celebrate — and there are million little treasures that one can only know if they know the beauty and the magic of all that is you.

When you look to the place where you store all of your makeup — I hope you put it on because you want to, not because you want to hide behind a gloss or a sheen.

You are beautiful, just as you are — just as you are standing there, bare face and all.

I hope you tell yourself that you’re beautiful.

When you start to wiggle into your jeans or your pants or whatever piece of clothing has a structured waistline — I hope you know that you don’t have to fight with your clothes.

I hope you know that it’s ok to find something that fits you — that you don’t have to mold yourself to fit into a piece of cloth that cannot contain the magic and mystery that is you.

You don’t have to fight with your clothes, beautiful.

You get to pick what works for you.

Yes, even you.

I hope you tell yourself that you are beautiful.

I hope you remind yourself that nobody else on this planet looks like you — that you cannot be replicated or duplicated. No mold or checklist or definition can encapsulate all of you.

I hope you tell yourself that you are beautiful- and I hope you tell yourself that you are smart, too.

Yes, even you.

I hope you remind yourself of your smarts, of your softness, of your strength and your beauty. I hope you pay attention to the words you tell yourself and how you talk about yourself to other people.

I hope you see that the words you choose to describe yourself matter — so select ones that mean something to you.

Let the words you whisper to yourself daily be rooted in love, in dreams, and honesty and hope.

Let them take deep root in your spirit so that you may continue to bloom.

Let those whispers turn into anthems — and may you call upon their song whenever you need an extra push, or a little encouragement, or a gentle reminder of all the glory that exists within you.

Yes, even you.