I Hope You Have A Friend Like Jessica Jones


Spoilers for season 3 of Jessica Jones

I hope you have a friend like Jessica Jones.

No, not a friend who kills people.

No, not a friend who doesn’t think about what they say before they say it.

And no, I don’t wish alcoholism upon anyone.

But I do hope you have at least one friend in your life who will champion for you. Who will fight for you. Who will stand by you when you need it and tell you the truth when you don’t want to hear it.

I hope you have a friend who can give you grace and feed you redemption in your worst moments, just as Jessica does in Season 3.

In Season 3, Jessica Jones forgives. She forgives her best friend in the entire world, Trish, for killing her mother. I mean, come on, that’s pretty gracious. I don’t know many people who would be able to do that. She forgives her friend and protege, Malcolm, for bailing, and leaving her business to go work for Jeri. She forgives Erik for not telling her the whole truth about who he was and how he helped Trish.

And she forgives herself for not being able to fix all of the problems that exist in this world and for being an imperfect human — even though she is a superhero.

Jessica Jones takes forgiveness to a whole new level and bestows redemption in the most challenging times, too.

Jessica Jones is the type of friend who sees the best in the ones she loves and expects the best from them, too.

She’s is the type of friend who doesn’t shy away from difficult conversations. She meets them head-on.

Jessica Jones is the type of friend who reflects. She looks inward after a fight (and several glasses of whiskey). And while it may take a lot of strength and a heavy dose of humility, she is the type of friend who is not afraid to admit when she’s wrong.

I hope you have a friend like Jessica Jones — someone who will stand for you and beside you. Someone who will see the best in you, even when you cannot see it yourself. Someone who knows love in the fiber of her being, and someone who models that kind of love, even when life presents its difficulties.