I Hope You Pay Attention To The Words That You Tell Yourself


I hope you pay attention to the words that you tell yourself.

I hope you give yourself a pep talk when you need it. I hope you scold yourself when you need it, too. I hope you’re your own cheerleader and your own critic. But no matter what, I hope you remember that the words you tell yourself matter.

The words you choose matter.

If you’re constantly telling yourself that you’re not enough you’ll start to believe it.

If you’re constantly putting yourself down – that will become the foundation of you place yourself in this world. Those will be the bricks you build upon. Those will be the frame in which you see yourself – and that vision can be contagious.

I hope you pay attention to the words that you tell yourself.

There is a difference between criticism and cruelty. There is a difference between wanting to improve upon your flaws and constantly berating yourself for them. I hope you know that it’s ok to tell yourself that you screwed up – but there is a difference between saying that you screwed up and that you are a screw up. I hope you know that it’s ok to say that you failed – but there is a difference between saying that you failed and that you are a failure.

There is a difference.

I hope you choose words that lift you up. I hope you choose words that wrap you in love. I hope you know that you can improve upon the life you are building without tearing yourself apart. I hope you tell yourself the things you need to hear, even when you don’t want to hear them. I hope you carry your words gently, softly, and with tremendous care.

I hope you build yourself a foundation of words that know how to withstand cracks and chaos. I hope you build with words of love, of hope, and of honesty. I hope you make sure that no matter what words you choose – they are all framed by, and with, love.

I hope you pay attention to the words that you tell yourself – for those are always the words that echo the loudest.