I Hope You See What I See


I hope you know that you are an answered prayer.

You were wished for and hoped for and dreamed for—even before you knew it. Even before you opened your eyes. Even before you took your first breath. You were the summation of all that dreaming and wishing and hoping. I hope you know that.

I hope you know that you are a miracle.

The simple fact that you are here is miraculous. The things that had to align to get you to this place are marvelous. I hope you understand and know that the world was not complete without you in it. You are made of bits of blood and bone and stars. There is magic in your veins. There is stardust in your heart. The universe rests within your soul, and the spirits of all who came before you are there, too.

I hope you know that you are not alone.

Even when it feels like you’re screaming into the void, even when it feels like nobody can hear your tears, even when it feels like you do not know where or who to share your joy with, you are not alone. The dreams of your ancestors rest within your bones, your spirit, and your heart. Let them guide you. Let them love you. Learn how to love you, too.

I hope you know that you are loved.

You are loved. Even when it feels like you are not. Even when it feels like love is the furthest thing away from your heart. Even when it feels like love is something that is out of your grasp or your sight or your frame of reference, you are loved. You are light. You are capable of greatness and of goodness. I hope you see that.

I hope you see what I see.

I hope you see that you are a glorious creature who’s capable of magnificent and glorious things. I hope you feel how there’s love within you; I hope you see how light radiates from you.

I hope you carry that with you today, tomorrow, and the next.