rest in God, trust God, Christianity, Christian faith

Rest In The Promises Of God

No matter how much we know, or understand, or believe, we’ll still worry. We’ll still wonder. We’ll still question. This I remind myself of when I start to doubt and hate myself for doubting. There will always be unknowns; I won’t always have the answers. And this is okay. I just have to trust.

Sometimes being a person of faith is one of the most challenging things in the world. We have a Father who loves us, who gave His son for us, and yet, when we’re searching for answers we don’t always see them. When we’re asking for truth, He feels far away. When we’re trying to prove that He’s near, that He’s real, that He cares, sometimes it feels like we’re talking to emptiness, believing in something that doesn’t exist.

But that’s the thing about faith—we can’t solely believe on our own terms. We have to know, in the deepest parts of our hearts that just because we’re not getting an answer when we want it, or understanding the world just the way we’d like to doesn’t mean He’s not listening.

We have to trust in His love, in His plan. We have to know, even when we doubt, that He doesn’t change. He is still mighty, still all-powerful, still guiding and bringing us where we’re meant to be.

We just have to rest in His promises, know that He won’t forsake us. We just have to close our eyes, step forward in faith, and let Him move in and through us.

So often we fight this. We fight because we want things to go a certain way; we fight because we’re scared. We fight because we’re unsure whether He’s listening, or if we should take matters into our own hands. We fight because at the end of the day, when we don’t hear His voice, we question everything we know to be true.

We need reassurance, and honestly, sometimes that’s understandable. But as followers, we have to seek truth rather than be led by fear. We must have faith rather than let our spirit fade the second something goes wrong.

Faith is not conditional, not something that changes when the world doesn’t go your way. Faith has a foundation—so build yours in Him and don’t let it be shaken.

Rest in the promises of God, in the truths of His love and strength and care for you. Rest in the ways He has blessed you, even through every trial and loss. Rest in the comfort of His arms, reaching out to hold you regardless of the circumstance. Rest in the passion He has for you, for all of us, that even with the evil all around us He is here, He is fighting, He is bringing hope to our world.

Rest in the truth—that even when you doubt, He doesn’t change; that even when you run, He stays; that even when you lose your way, He is ready and willing to bring you home to Him.

Rest in His never-ending love for you. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Marisa is a writer, poet, & editor. She is the author of Somewhere On A Highway, a poetry collection on self-discovery, growth, love, loss and the challenges of becoming.

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