When You Fall In Love With A Girl Who Loves Herself
She is the girl that knows herself and knows what she needs. She doesn’t look to men for answers. She doesn’t look for men to make her feel whole.

There’s something different about a girl who loves herself.
A girl who loves herself has come to terms with her shortcomings and flaws, she has acknowledged her fears and failures, and she loves who she is, despite these things.
A girl who loves herself is comfortable in her own skin, secure on her own two feet, and confident in the woman she has become.
She is strong, in her own way. She is independent, and bold.
She wants what’s best for herself and she walks with her head high. She doesn’t settle for mediocre anything—especially mediocre love.
A girl who loves herself is not proud or boastful; she is instead aware of herself, of her needs, and of the needs of others. She has no problem putting others first because she knows how it feels to put herself first. She can make decisions without being wishy-washy; she can step back and choose for herself what is right.
She can inspire and she can encourage.
She loves herself, and so she loves her life and the people in it.
A girl who loves herself is different. She is not insecure or driven to please everyone she meets. She doesn’t always try to be what others want her to be. She doesn’t change her opinion based on who she’s around.
A girl who loves herself is a partner. She is a challenger. She is an inspire-er.
She will build her significant other up. She will stand beside him and love him fully. She will never lean on him for every single thing, but be able to balance on her two feet, strong and poised.
She is the girl that knows herself and knows what she needs. She doesn’t look to men for answers. She doesn’t look for men to make her feel whole.
She is the girl with passion in her eyes, pursuing the things she loves. She is the girl that can be silly or serious, wild or calm. She can be who she is, and be proud.
She is the girl you want, because you know that she doesn’t need you. You know that she is capable, strong, and so complete on her own.
And you fall for her, because you know that she will change your life, that she is someone with an identity, with a uniqueness and a flair that is solely hers.
She is the woman that terrifies you. But you know that because she loves herself, she will have no problem loving you. So let her.