How Could I Not Fall In Love With You?


Maybe you’re right. I fell for you fast. I fell for you that deep. I have given you everything but must have reserved some things for me instead.

But have you ever asked yourself why I became like that?

You see, I’m not that trusting and you knew that well enough. I’m not the one who’ll easily open up. But you… It’s just that you made me feel very comfortable. You destroyed my impenetrable walls. You earned my whole trust. You made yourself look as dependable as you could be. So, tell me, how can I not fall for you?

You see, I’m not much of a talkative person. But you pitched in interesting topics. You dug in so deep. You strived effortlessly to see through my soul. To know what’s behind the fences I’ve built. To know my deepest secrets I’ve never spilled to anyone before. And it just happened that we shared more than we’ve expected. So, tell me, how can I not fall for you?

You see, I’m not very demonstrative. I don’t say I like you nor I love you, without meaning it. I don’t let any guy hold my hand and get as close you are to me. You invaded my personal space then popped my safety bubble. For quite some time, you stayed with me.

So, tell me, how can I not fall for you?

You see, I had very high standards. I had my list. My own checkbox. I knew, way deep inside me, that I’ll never find a living person to perfect it all. That my type of guy only existed in fictional books or rather, in romantic movies. It’s just all in my own imagination. But it’s crazy, because you almost had it all. You’re exactly what I’ve hoped and had been praying for. So tell me, how can I not fall for you?

You see, I wasn’t the type who’ll fall for sweet follies and sugar coated words. I knew the jerks. The bastards. The assholes and such. But you made me trust the goodness in you. You made me believe you are different. That not all guys are like that. And you are a living example of the NOT. So, tell me, how can I not fall for you?

You see, I was comfortable alone. I was independent. A mentally and emotionally strong woman, who had unwavering values. But you… You melted me. Like I was pure gold you can mold into another form.

You showed me what happiness is, in a totally different perspective. You showed me how fun it is to be a free spirit. To be liberated and be as carefree as you are. You showed me how to compromise. To be flexible. And to bend my rigid rules. So, tell me, how can I not fall for you?

You see, you did a lot. Said a lot. Heard a lot. Seen a lot.

You made me feel renewed. You made me feel that familiar feeling again. You fed the long buried emotion I’ve once forgotten.

Now tell me, how can I not love you?