A Reminder For Broken Hearts


I don’t want to be just another common story.

I don’t want to be someone who made it all plain and easy.

I don’t want to be an almost lover but eventually turned out as a somebody.

I don’t want to be a passing occasion neither a forgotten memory.

I don’t want to be an unsure answer to the multiple choices.

I don’t want to be a perfect rhyming poem left unread in the dead pages of someone’s book.

I don’t want to be the cycle, perceived to be exhausting.

I don’t want to be a predictable monotony in somebody’s usual routine.

I don’t want to be the what if or the one led on and been left thereafter.

I don’t want to be a fall back in case the original plan gets messed up.

I don’t want to be a savior of a wounded supposed knight.

Like I was a heroine endowed with return payments because I nursed a broken heart.

What I want to be is that I would be the main difference.

I want to be a unique, epic novel.

I want to be someone deemed as a patchwork of challenges that will forever be insatiably surmounted.

I want to be known as too complicated but worth deciphering.

I want to be always remembered, like someone special, worthy to be celebrated.

I want to be a permanent everything and not just considered as a temporary something.

I want to be a series of free verse poems and prose that could touch a person’s soul deep within.

I want to be an unpredictable surprise, not just a sudden awestruck, which is entirely an understatement.

I want to be an unending essay to a mind blowing quiz.

I want to be a movie that will always be seen despite the drama that seemed to be depressing.

I want to be a reserved royal blood, fit for a wise noble man.

I want to be a whole piece, fit for another solved, once broken puzzle.

I want to be the end game and not just a cliffhanger almost.

A strong choice and not just a half hearted maybe.

I want to be the what is and the what should be.

And never will I allow again, that I would be the what could have been.

Neither a picture adored in silence when I’ve been found and seen.