16 Awesome Ways To Treat Yourself When You Need It Most


1. Make your bed before you get into it. I know not all of us are bed makers, but hear me out. I firmly believe in making beds because there’s nothing more inviting than a nice, tight, made up pile of sheets with your name scrawled on it.

2. Have a favorite cocktail? Learn how to make it at home! That or buy yourself a delicious bottle of wine.

3. Set all your clocks 10 minutes ahead so you’re always ahead of schedule. That way you won’t miss dates, meetings, or your favorite shows.

4. Binge watch your favorite TV series online. But warning: this is only a treat if doing so doesn’t actually cost you your job and your social life and stuff.

5. Have a bubble bath! Nothing makes us instantly happier than the promise of getting into a nice, warm bubble bath filled with HUGE bubbles.

6. Reread one of your favorite books.

7. Start that new creative project you’ve always wanted to start but which you’ve kept at the back of your head all this time.

8. Remember to compliment yourself.

9. Clean the house. I know, I know — this is a CHORE, not a T-R-E-A-T because nobody likes cleaning, really. So just think of it this way: once you’ve cleaned your house all good and everything, you can come home and it is like already going to be clean!

10. Make a new playlist.

11. Go to Popeye’s (yes!) and order yourself something AMAZING for dinner.

12. Reach out to a friend you haven’t talked to in a long time.

13. Change your hair color! That or change your whole look altogether. Ah, fashion: the treat of life.

14. Massages always hit the spot, especially after a rough or tension-filled day. So get yourself a foot massage — provided you can get someone to touch you down there.

15. Don’t forget to splurge on yourself sometimes. Not all the time, but if there’s something you’ve been eyeing on ASOS or what have you, by all means just dig in.

16. On super hot days, just go balls to the wall on the air conditioning. Crack that puppy all the way up. It’s like, would you rather save money OR not melt in your sleep?

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