Why The Answers Are Always Within You


My therapist smiles at me whenever I ask her what my next steps are. I know what that smile means. It isn’t out of anger. Or even a condescending nature.

She’s waiting for me to let my feelings arise. To let what is true within me rise to the surface. And how beautiful is that? A smile or a moment of silence can give your intuitive voice a space to beam through the cracks of confusion.

This is what space is for. To give your mind a break from running on its treadmill of forcing your life into existence. Let me tell you something, love.

You do not have to decide.

You do not have to force.

You do not need more answers. You need more questions.

You need more space.

When you have space, you tune back into your body. You tune back into your heart. What would it be like to get out of your head, and to let life flow through you?

It is so scary, I know. I used to spend hours a day asking myself if he was the right one. Or, if I should move to a new city. I would pound my brain with questions and anger because it didn’t know.

Because, your head does NOT know. When you tell yourself that you have to decide in this moment, you are not doing the deciding. You are not living in a free space to let the answers come to your mind.

As females, we have been conditioned to put a smile on our faces and be predictable.

But, we must honor our inner wild woman. The truth of you. Who is she? She lives from her body. She tunes into what she needs in the moment. She trusts her heart, her sexuality, her values and beliefs, and her body.

Step into your power. Step into your heart. I promise you, when you get out of your head, and into your heart, everything you’ve ever wanted could be found here.

Because it is the essence of you.