Here’s The Scariest Horror Movie That Takes Place In Every State


“The Evil Dead”

Evil Dead
The Evil Dead

Spring break gone so, so wrong. And yet, the world was introduced to Bruce Campbell as Ash, so perhaps it’s gone so, so right?


“Texas Chainsaw Massacre”

Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Let’s step back for a second and acknowledge how absolutely beautiful the title of this franchise is. So simplistic, so pure. Anyway, you can’t trust anyone in Texas, or at least that’s what these films taught me. Sheriff? Evil. Nice ladies in trailer? Evil. All the people at SXSW? Most likely evil.


“Carnival Of Souls”

Carnival Of Souls
Carnival Of Souls

An oldie but a goodie. I would tell you to be wary of creepy carnival music but if you’re not already then you were never meant to survive a horror movie, Utah.


“What Lies Beneath”

What Lies Beneath
What Lies Beneath

Another standard haunting with a star-studded cast. Maybe all the states just need to invest in a really, REALLY big stash of sage?


“Cherry Falls”

Cherry Falls
Cherry Falls

This one puts the standard slasher cliche on its head: the killer only targets virgins. Congratulations, Virginia, you’ve got the most fun way to avoid certain death!


“The Ring”

The Ring
The Ring

Stay away from any and all unmarked VHS tapes. You know what? It’s 2016, you have no business picking up VHS tapes of ANY kind. I’m watching you, Washington.

West Virginia

“Wrong Turn”

Wrong Turn
Wrong Turn

Movies like this make me terrified to get lost anywhere. And in this one, they’ve got ARROWS! I know it’s a terrible stereotype of the backwoods “monster” but you know, maybe just stick to the main roads.


“Dawn Of The Dead” (2004)

Dawn Of The Dead
Dawn Of The Dead

Ahh, yes, the terrifying birth of the FAST zombie. Because that was the only way any of us had a shot to survive the apocalypse, you know — hoping to outrun/outsmart them. Sorry Wisconsin, you seem to be ground zero for this infection. Get to the local mall, stat!


“Joy Ride”

Joy Ride
Joy Ride

Caaaaaaandy caaaaaaane. This one’s easy, guys, just don’t mess around with truckers on their CB radios! I mean, I know it’s fun but they’re just doing their jobs. And one of them might murder you. Aww, go ahead, Wyoming, have some fun! I’m sure it doesn’t end in murder EVERY time.

Washington D.C.

“The Exorcist”

The Exorcist
The Exorcist

So D.C. isn’t technically a state but I knew I’d get crucified if I left off the scariest movie ever. Our proud capital deserves its own entry! (Even though the original story technically happened in St. Louis but you know, whatever…) I can’t emphasize this enough: avoid Pazuzu and all other forms of demon at all costs. That’s a free tip from me to you. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Horror writer for Creepy Catalog, ESFP, Kylo Ren advocate, Slytherin, sassbasket.

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