I Found A Flash Drive Documenting A Bizarre Psychology Experiment In 2009. This Was What Was Inside. (Part 14)


This is part 14 of a series.

Day 13



You guessed it. Drunk. I had no idea Patricia had packed that much alcohol for the trip. Could she have had a design of this type planned ahead of time? If so, she must be a genius. Not in an evil or divisive way; but in a glorious, beautiful kind of genius. All of the subjects, with the exception of Elija, are eating out of the palm of her hand.

They are still being a bit dodgy of the microphones and videos. I can only guess that this too is a part of the strategy by Patricia. One can only imagine what she is feeding them in order to rekindle this trust and belief. However, one thing is certain, the alteration of the subject of this experiment is quite unknown to me.

We seem to have abandoned the instilling of fear. We seem to have abandoned any methodology at all. I say this not out of criticism of Patricia, but of objective perception. I trust her decisions and her approach, whatever it may be.


Patricia and Maxwell have gone out into the forest. I followed them over the cameras down the side of the backyard opposite our own shack before I lost track of them. I waited. Meanwhile, Elija has slipped into the Footage Room. He seemed greatly distressed.

“Tonight,” he said, in a whisper. “12:00.”

I can only speculate that this means he wants me to be ready to communicate with him in the Footage Room at midnight. Or maybe he is saying that something will happen at midnight. I can’t be sure.


They have Edward. Maxwell and Patricia are dragging him over the grounds towards Rosewood Manor. He is not moving, and he has a large sheet strapped around his whole upper-body. They dragged him into the mansion and disappeared around the base of the stairwell upon their entrance. I cannot see their progress anywhere else on the monitor.

Read part 15 here. (Part 15 will be up 1/13, 10PM)

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