This Is What You’re Really Doing When You Make Negative Remarks About Another Woman’s Body


No, she’s not too big. No, she’s not too thin. No… you’re too judgmental.

When you make negative remarks about another woman’s appearance, know that you are not defining her. You are defining yourself.

If you’re a woman who thinks it is acceptable to tell a woman she’s too skinny, make sure you’re okay with her giving you the same respect by reminding you that you’re a fat ass.

I inherited a fast metabolism. I will neither apologize for that nor explain it to every person I encounter. I am a thin woman and also very active. I never stop moving. So here’s an educational piece of information so you can hopefully put two and two together- one part of metabolism is the process of breaking down carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in food to release energy. In order for this to take place, one must actually consume those carbohydrates, proteins, and fats to have energy. See how that works? Remember, I said I was very energetic so that must mean… I eat!

Since I never actually signed up for negative opinions and comments, it would be nice if I never had to hear them. That’s not realistic though, people still feel the need to tell me “you don’t look healthy, you’re too thin”. Okay, really? When did you finish medical school? News flash- weight and health are not mutually exclusive. It’s not just the comments either, it’s the body language and tone of voice. They make it sound like being skinny is some sort of disease.

Girls don’t just wake up one morning and decide to hate their bodies. This is something they learn.

By body shaming and judging others, you are teaching young girls something that cannot be “un-taught”.

So, before you comment ask yourself something: is being skinny the worst thing she could be? What if she were judgmental, spiteful, malicious, or cruel?

Being skinny is ok. Being curvy is ok. Body shaming is not ok. Know the difference. And if you are someone who has been judged or shamed, remember that it’s usually not about you. It’s about them and their own insecurities.