‘Nice Guys’ From Hell: 49 Women Share Nightmare Stories From The Friend Zone

47. Within the span of one week the Nice Guy facade crumbled.

“Met a guy who was seemingly really kind, understanding, etc. We were friends for months and decided to take it further. Within the span of one week the Nice Guy facade crumbled due to:

Him trying to convince me to have unprotected sex, asked him if he got tested since his last partner and he said he hadn’t in a long time. Told him he should get tested, boom, he has chlamydia. People fuck up, I’m somewhat forgiving despite the irresponsibility being gross and something that really bothers me–I believe strongly that people should get tested with each partner so STI’s don’t needlessly spread. I don’t catch it but have to spend a lot of money on multiple tests and I got treated anyway to be safe.
He “jokingly” tries to talk me into leaving my career to be a housewife and mother one day after becoming “a thing.” He knows I never ever ever want kids. He knows my job is the most important thing in my life. Makes up fantasy world where we live on a farm and I’m essentially barefoot and pregnant. Claims he thinks “God wants him to have a kid cause he got the last several girls he slept with pregnant.” This doesn’t sit well as he seems so opposed to using condoms.

I find out, totally by accident (two friends talking in front of me), that he got a friend of mine pregnant, kept sleeping with her while rubbing in her face that he didn’t want a relationship, and ditched her to get an abortion alone. Probably also gave her chlamydia. He told me they hooked up a few times and it didn’t work out.

He’s generally pushy and awful in every way from food decisions to forcing kisses to telling everybody we are dating before it’s actually “official.” I’ve had it after about a week and kindly say that after the STI thing (this actually came last chronologically l) I have a hard time seeing him romantically but let’s be friends etc.”

48. He expects me to cook all the food, buy all the groceries, take care of all the bills, and do all the housework.

“I was dating this guy, really nice, we move in together. Awesome!

He expects me to cook all the food, buy all the groceries, take care of all the bills, and do all the housework. He occasionally takes a break from his busy schedule of drinking beer and watching sports to tell me I need to go to the gym/stop eating (I wear a size 2); he also criticizes my housekeeping abilities and constantly tells me how poorly my parents raised me (I’m a successful woman with a masters degree, he barely graduated high school and has never had anything other than an entry-level non-skilled job).
The kicker: he told me he was just being nice and trying to help me, because he cared so much about self-improvement.

Needless to say, we are no longer together.”

49. When a guy says, ‘I’m a nice guy,’ that’s code for ‘I’m not a nice guy.’

“Usually, when a guy says, ‘I’m a nice guy,’ that’s code for ‘I’m not a nice guy.’” Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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