34 Girls Describe The Weirdest Thing About Guys (NSFW)

9. Their ability to run with that stick hanging between their legs.

How do you run with things between your legs?

10. Hands-in-the-pants syndrome.

When they put their hands in their pants… Why? I asked my SO this last night and he just said it was a habit, but I’ve seen other guys do this before. So weird to me.

11. Peeing while pooping.

Recently my girlfriend discovered that if I need to pee when I’m pooping I will do it sitting down. This amazed her. She asked her brother if he did, too. She still isn’t over the fact that guys pee sitting down when pooping.

12. Peeing outside.

Peeing outside.

13. Peeing without wiping.

Why don’t guys wipe when they pee? I mean the tip is probably a little wet from pee. Do you just ignore any urine that gets on your underwear? Shaking it can’t totally get all the pee off. There’s no way I could just shake the pee off of my parts.

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