I Will Be Fine After You

Before you,
I was complete and whole
on my own.

I held my ground,
marched to the drum of my heartbeat,
and tasted fierce self-love on my lips.

The ocean was my muse,
deep, vast, and free.
The world was my oyster,
and home was wherever I was.
The sky held all my dreams
and I was soaring, limitless.

Then came you
into my life
so suddenly and unexpectedly.

You wanted
all that I do
to revolve
around you.

You thought you were the best thing
that happened to me,
unaware of the world that existed before.

That is why, when you left,
you thought you took my sun away,
and darkness diminished my world.
You thought you were
all that I have,
and I was to wilt to nothingness.
You thought I would
drown in my pain of missing you.
You thought I could not do
without you.

But darling,
don’t you see
I am the whole
and I have no need
for you at all.

I am not the flower plucked helplessly
to await my fate.
I am the weed that fights fearlessly
for my survival.

I am not the unassuming girl
with whom you fell in love.
I am the lead character of my life
that determines my fate.

My life does not stop
the minute you walk out of it.
On the contrary, it is brimming
with brilliant possibilities and
endless excitement that takes my breath away.

I will continue to live
my best life ahead of me
and you won’t recognize me at all.

I will continue to love
wildly, ferociously,
and uncontrollably.

I will swim
towards healing and recovery
and mend my broken heart.

I will continue to open
my heart
and let love in.

Because not even you
can ruin love for me.

I write about falling in love and out of love.

Keep up with Liane on Instagram and medium.com