This Is The Kind Of Love You Should Settle For


The love you should settle for is one that doesn’t string you along or leave you in a mess of tears and with pieces of your broken heart.

It is one that is straightforward with no complication or drama. It won’t suck out all your energy trying to decipher their mixed signals. It won’t make you want to tear out your hair in frustration trying to gauge their interest. It won’t make you doubt your self-worth and yourself when they aren’t able to return your feelings and love you the way you deserve.

The love you should be with is one that never leaves you guessing about their feelings or the direction your relationship is heading. They should never leave things hanging or end a conversation in anger. They never avoid hard truths or hide their feelings from you. They never give up on you, no matter how tough things are going.

It is the willingness to voice out issues to seek out a resolution. To be yourself and trusting that they will love you for you. To be honest about your heartfelt feelings and learn about your differences so that they won’t be a cause of separation.

The love that you should settle for is one that you commit your absolute wholehearted best to and every bit of your feelings are reciprocated.

You’re in love with how in sync you both are in committing yourself to each other. With them, the rest of the world fades away and you stop caring about what others think or any relationship ideal you should adhere to. You’re living your life to the fullest, wanting to treasure every precious moment you have and looking forward to creating new ones with them.

Your life is enriched with vivid colors when both of you are reaching out to fulfill new dreams and aspirations. To stretch your potential and leave your comfort zone behind for a new beginning where your imagination takes flight.

The love that you should settle for is one that you would not exchange anything else for in the world.

You’re deeply amazed that you’re capable of loving another person to this extent. You still have so much to learn about your new love and you can’t wait to weave your stories together and see how they make perfect sense together.

Each day is a brand new page of your chapter and it is no less magical and beautiful than the first day. It’s exhilarating how your world has expanded by infinite possibilities to include them in every aspect of your life. You know that the road ahead is long and challenging, yet you have never felt more at ease to place your heart firmly into their hand and trusting them completely.

Together, you know that you will weather through the stormy and rough days. You will rejoice over little things, and never for a second take what you both have for granted. You will love them with everything you have, knowing that you have found your place in this universe, the home within them.

The love you should settle for is one that feels like home. They’re the familiar stranger you fall in love with and you will spend the rest of your life falling for them over and over again.