9 Reasons New York City In The Summer Makes Me Nervous


1. One word. Garbage. You can run but you can’t hide from this riveting stench. The sun is no friend to garbage in the summer.   

2. Rain? No, don’t panic. It’s just your old friend Mr. Air Conditioning unit dropping down some playful love from the sky. 

3. The distance from my apartment to my neighborhood 16 Handles. The exact amount of time it takes for my Froyo to go from icy deliciousness to soupy nothingness. How perfect is that?

4. Suddenly the weather’s nice and staying in and watching Netflix isn’t acceptable anymore. Sorry but rain or shine, I still have two seasons of Scandal to plow through. Netflix, one. Summer, zero. 

5. Subways and platforms don’t mesh well in the summer. Steaming hot air colliding with clammy passengers can send any human into a downward spiral of emotions. Platform air-conditioning needs to be a thing of the future. 

6. Get ready to encounter a sea of interns migrating from near and far for their coveted summer positions. It’s like college all over again. Except this time, you’re not invited. 

7. The Hamptons. To this day, The Hamptons remains a mystical land that will forever live within the confines of my Instagram account. Maybe one day I’ll be granted access to this picturesque club where Gossip Girl dreams are made, but until then, I’ll be seated comfortably on a picnic blanket in Central Park. 

8. Sweat. I repeat, sweat. Close quarters. Bodies. Touching. You get the picture.

9. The overarching fear that arises as fall inches closer. In a few short months, get ready to trade those cutoffs for thermals and those ice coffees for pumpkin spice lattes.