5 Lessons I’m Taking With Me Into 2017


1. Don’t let uncertainty of the beginning discourage you, because you never know what is right around the corner.

At the end of 2015, I wasn’t sure what the future held. I also wasn’t happy. I was looking for something that would make me happy. My mom always tells me that YOUR life is what YOU make of it. No one person – no one thing – will bring you the happiness you seek. Your happiness is your responsibility. Own it. Create it. Embrace it. And, just as a head up, it will look different than everyone else’s.

2. Lay your expectations of others down and go look in the mirror.

No one is perfect. Nor will they ever be. Perfection is unattainable. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. People change. People move on. People fail. And that degree of failure can vary depending on the weight of the expectations that are placed on them. Learn that if you can’t be perfect, despite how much you’d love it, no one else can be either. Don’t try to change this. Because there is beauty in imperfection.

3. Don’t be scared.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Do not lean on your understanding. You see life on the smallest scale. God? He sees your past, your present and your future – clearly and without smudges. Trust Him with it. Being scared isn’t wrong. We all come to certain points in our lives where we can do nothing but stand panic-stricken, our biggest doubts/fears snarling back at us in the distance. But we can’t stay there. And the closer we get to those fears, we realize how small they are up close.

4. You don’t need a significant other to be loved.

It is pretty special, isn’t it? Having someone to share life with. Having someone to lean on when times feel scary or uncertain. Being someone’s special person. In essence, to be loved. It all sounded lovely. And, if I’m honest, it still does most days. But I know now something I didn’t know last year. I am wholly loved already. I have parents who would do anything to see me happy. I have friends who I get to make and share funny, real and embarrassing (not to mention, awkward!) memories with. I have a God who loves me enough to discipline me when I need it most and never forgets to remind me that He is for me. If that’s not love, then I don’t know what is.

5. Be prepared to change.

With every year comes the hope of a new set of opportunities, new friends, new growth and even some new challenges. This is a good thing. Remember that the only constant is change. You can’t hold onto it forever. Which is the hardest part to accept, I know. But, know that these things, people, places…whatever – remember that it’s all a part of the plan.