Let 2018 Be The Year You Become Your Own Hero

girl looking at water
ben o’bro

Let 2018 be the year you decide to become your person. Let it be the year you fall in love with your life and yourself. And let it be the year you become your own saving grace.

2017 was hard. It was a year of trial and error. It was a year of loss, of lonely nights, of missing someone who was long gone. 2017 was a year of falling and not being caught. It was a year where you saw love heading towards you, but turned away right in time.

2017 was at times, paralyzing. 2017 led you through many challenges that you didn’t think you would get through. 2017 led you to dark times. Times where you couldn’t see the sun. Times when you shut the blinds. Times where you isolated yourself to an unhealthy extent.

2017 was a year where you began to lose yourself again. It was 365 days of wondering why. It was 365 days of thinking you were not enough.

So make 2018 different. Make 2018 a fresh start. Make 2018 the year you stop feeling sorry for yourself. Let 2018 be the year you keep taking baby steps to finding your self worth. Let 2018 be the year you change yourself on the inside. Let 2018 be the year you begin anew.

You don’t have time to pity yourself. You don’t have time to hate that boy who left you a long time ago. You don’t have time to regret the past or look down at your rearview mirror. You don’t have enough room in your heart to hold onto everything that broke you. So let it all go. Let 2017 go and all the years before.

Let 2018 be the year you decide to put yourself first. Let it be the time in your life where you stop caring so much about people who don’t give two shits. Let it be the time in your life that you become your own soulmate. Let 2018 be the year you decide to savor and soak up your own beauty.

Let 2018 be the year you stop taking steps back. Let 2018 be the year you start living your life, for you and no one else. Let it be a new 365 days to begin again. Let it be 365 days of new goals and new inspirations. Let it be a new 365 days of learning how to love yourself — despite everything.

Know that this new year will not be perfect. Nothing is, in this life But know that this year can be whatever you want it to be as long as you hold your head high. As long as you try.

So don’t look back on your past. don’t look back on mistakes. Don’t look back on the loss. Step forward. Push forward. Climb those mountains without hesitation this time. Fall and fail and try again. Don’t give up. Don’t lose faith in yourself.

Let 2018 be the year you become your own savior. Your own person. Your backbone. Your partner. Let 2018 be the year you learn how to do nothing but adore your own heart. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

For more poetry and writing follow me on Instagram!

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