9 Things That Will Absolutely Stress Any INFJ Out

1. Trying to keep track of too many details

INFJs are big-picture thinkers and conceptualizers, which means they like to synthesize bits and pieces of essential information in order to form a cohesive image that serves a purpose in the grand scheme of things. They get very overwhelmed when they have to deal with too many little (and oftentimes, frivolous) details because doing so goes against their natural tendency to form a holistic perspective that they understand best.

2. Being compared to other people

This by far causes the most stress for an INFJ. INFJs by their nature are people-pleasers, but at the same time, they’re highly individualistic. Growing up, they’ve been told that they weren’t good enough compared to others, so it’s no wonder why they experience so much anxiety in trying to prove others wrong by forcing themselves to be the exact opposite of who they really are. Whenever they’re compared to others who are conventionally successful, attractive, and well-liked, they believe that they’re somehow innately not as worth much to society, and this buries them deep in depression and guilt.

3. Being deliberately ignored and excluded

Although INFJs love solitude, they also enjoy connecting with people and forming deep friendships. However, when groups of people with cliquish tendencies deliberately ignore them and make them feel like they don’t belong, INFJs feel deeply hurt and even resentful for not being loved or appreciated the way they are.

4. Fear-mongering and controlling authority figures

INFJs don’t deal well with these types of authority figures because they resent being controlled in any manner. As autonomous and individualistic self-starters, INFJs desire the freedom to choose and do what’s best for them, so they despise it when an authority figure takes that power away. They crumble under the pressure of trying to meet the demands of authority figures who only use fear and manipulation to control the way people think, speak, and act.

5. Having ego-centric goals imposed on them

INFJs are compelled to do things out of the joy of their heart, but because they are expected to adhere to conventional standards, they experience a tremendous amount of stress trying to chase after goals that only serve the ego and neglect their inner spirit. They hate being told that their worth is nothing unless they prove that they can somehow be used as a means to an end in a competitive, profit-driven society.

6. Conflict

INFJs tend to avoid conflict of any kind, at all costs, because they are peacemakers and desire connectedness and compromise for the sake of a higher purpose, which would benefit all parties involved. They associate conflict with chaos, aggressive accusations, and scathing remarks used only for insulting the opposing side. Anything that disrupts their inner peace can give them panic attacks and cripple them for days.

7. Any unexpected last-minute change of plans

They love planning ahead, so they tend to hyperventilate whenever something unexpected disrupts their day and makes a dent to their plans. To INFJs, dealing with last-minute changes is equivalent to Post-traumatic stress disorder because their internal world is disrupted, and they take days to recover whenever something doesn’t turn out as planned.

8. Being told they’re worthless

INFJs know how much they’re worth and what they have to offer, but at the same time, they self-deprecate a lot based on conventional ideas of what a “good and successful” person should look like. They struggle with intense feelings of worthlessness because of how people in the past taught them that self-worth is conditional and only given when they achieve certain milestones on a cookie-cutter timeline.

9. Lack of quality me-time

INFJs burn out easily and are extremely sensitive to external pressure, so they need more time to recharge, disconnect from the world, and pursue solitary activities for the sake of joy and personal fulfillment. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Poet, sci-fi/fantasy writer, music lover, composer, & INFP.

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