This Is What Happens When You Stop Caring So Much And Finally Live Your Life


Tonight I have a book club, the first book club of my life that I willingly decided to go to.

My friend and old roommate, Brenda, coordinates a monthly gathering with a group of her friends. Like any book club, they chat about life, nibble on snacks, and discuss the book, of course. Last year, when I was still new to Boston, I was hesitant to join groups or get involved with activities while I was “figuring things out.” It took me a long time to feel like meeting new people; it’s never fun to chat with a group of seemingly together human beings, all while thinking, “What the hell am I doing with my life?”

A year has gone by and I’ve been feeling better than ever. Honestly, too; no more putting on a happy face for the sake of appeasing others. I’m no longer insecure about where my life is headed, and I’m no longer shy about expressing what I want out of life, even when it’s drastically different than the norm. As I meet new people, my honesty gets bolder and bolder, and like Brenda would say, “There’s no such thing as too much information.”

That brings me to the book of the month: “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck.”

Now, what does this have to do with me and my sudden change of heart about a book club?


When I moved to Boston I gave too many fucks. Too many f’s about what people thought about me, too many f’s about whether I was happy with my job or not, too many f’s about whether I should go out with that guy on Tinder. I gave too many f’s about whether or not my family approved of me, about the things I did when I drank, how I looked in that picture someone posted on Facebook, or whether or not the blacks in my outfit matched close enough.

I gave too many fucks about everything.

When I started my blog, I didn’t have much. I didn’t have the job I have now, the apartment, the friends, or the peace of mind. But I did have one thing: fearlessness.

I had enough ups and downs, mistakes, failures, and embarrassing moments to be shamelessly vulnerable. So, with three packed bags and nothing to lose, Mindful in Style was born in my little Airbnb.

A couple of days later, I got my first job in Boston and met Brenda.

It didn’t take me long to get back on my feet, but it definitely took some time to feel comfortable in my own skin, even though I was putting my heart and soul into my blog. I still questioned myself as I pressed “publish” and second guessed myself quite often along the way, but I kept writing.

But today, I really don’t give a F what other people have to say.

Things will fall into place no matter what; the difference is, how are you reacting to life in the meantime? Are you giving too many F’s and putting your energy toward things that don’t really matter? Are you following the crowd even though it doesn’t make your heart happy? Are you worrying for the sake of worrying? 

Needless to say, things in my life have changed a lot, but it began with my mindset. Would life be as great today if I had continued to give too many F’s? Nope, I don’t think they would be.

So tonight I’ll head back to my first Boston home, The Nest, and share my own experience with giving too many fucks, fearlessness, and the power of vulnerability. Today, I’m no longer shy to share my experience with new people; in fact, I am excited to see who connects with my story. A book club is no longer something to avoid, but something to embrace, just like my own vulnerability.