On This New Moon In Capricorn, I’m Welcoming What Could Be


In a world of hustle and bustle, taxes and retirement plans, societal norms and laws, it can be difficult to embody a spiritual life. I’ve spent much of the past few years questioning the “expectations” of our culture, usually standing critically on the sidelines and running off to do my own thing. Living as simply as possible has been crucial to my happiness, but our world always has a way of reminding me to stay grounded and focused on the light. Instead of falling into depression or anxiety about the chaos around me, I chose to live in my own little world.

Who are we to say that the world can’t be a magical place?

Remember the excitement and wonder we had as children? The curiosity we had for what was around every corner, for what each day had in store, for the enchantment of the unknown? I’ve lived a lot of my adult life this way; discovering new places, making new friends, finding myself in once-in-a-lifetime situations. I had a great sense of wonder as I moved from city to city, neighborhood to neighborhood. I still feel that way as I explore places I’ve never been, snap photos of buildings I’ve never seen, and meet people from all over the world.

However, the “real world” sets in. People criticize us, remind us of our failures, pick at our faults, and tell us our dreams aren’t possible. That’s dense 3D energy that you don’t need. No one ever achieved greatness by being held back by their critics.  As we enter the New Moon in Capricorn, I’m trying to leave behind my limited beliefs, the beliefs that tell me things aren’t possible, that I can’t, or the voice telling me “that won’t happen.”

Anything can happen.

Most of the magical moments are those we never expect. I never would have been able to make up many of the tales I have yet to tell had I not had that wide-eyed wonder and joy. Moving to New York City was a huge part of this for me; it seemed like a fantasy land where reality didn’t exist. In a city of bright lights and dreams, I had the belief anything was possible- but just because I’m no longer doesn’t mean the magic has ended. In fact, it’s more powerful than ever- because I’m conscious of it.

The best is yet to come.

During this New Moon, I am letting go of what I once was and making room for the magic that is on its way. Although I recently deemed harmony as my word of the year, my theme for 2018 is limitless. Limitless opportunities and infinite possibility. The only person who has held me back from success, happiness, or stability is myself; if I continue to follow my heart, listen to my soul, and continue working hard, the magic will present itself.

And this time, I won’t have to chase it.