Things That Are Not Unusual


It’s not unusual to want everything.

It’s not unusual to not want anything.

It’s not unusual to cry for absolutely no reason.

It’s not unusual to want to be anybody but you.

It’s not unusual to want to run away.

It’s not unusual to wonder how everything will work out.

It’s not unusual to spend an entire day in bed, just breathing, because that’s all you can do.

It’s not unusual to want to be alone and yet want someone to care enough to bother you.

It’s not unusual to want someone to rescue you.

It’s not unusual to believe that a change, any change, would do you some good.

It’s not unusual to want to change for someone else.

It’s not unusual to not be sure of anything.

It’s not unusual to want to be with someone who you’re sure doesn’t want to be with you, and to keep wanting them anyway.

It’s not unusual to fall in love with all the wrong things and all the wrong people.

It’s not unusual to feel like you deserve more or different or better.

It’s not unusual to wonder if anyone can ever really love you, the real you; all of the real you.

It’s not unusual to wonder who the real you is.

It’s not unusual to feel like you keep making the same mistakes.

It’s not unusual to be scared to be happy because lurking near that joy is something that wants to take your happiness away.

It’s not unusual to feel like you’re all you’ve got.

It’s not unusual to keep hoping against hope for that thing in the world that you want the most.

It’s not unusual to feel like falling in love is the answer.

It’s not unusual to smile even if you feel like crying.

It’s not unusual to laugh at your troubles.

It’s not unusual to see in your reflection a child who still believes in magic.

It’s not unusual to believe in miracles.

It’s not unusual to feel like you’re doing the best you can, no matter how good or bad that is.

And it’s not unusual to feel so unusual all the time. Or maybe it is. But unusual is all you’ve got and for right now, that will simply have to do.

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image – Nicki Varkevisser