This Video Is Seriously Incredible – Guy Dives Into Exploding Volcano With Go Pro
By Koty Neelis
As someone who’s going volcano boarding this month and hiking up another one known as one of the gates of Hell you could say I have a thing for volcanoes. Maybe I do, maybe I don’t. I just think volcano boarding is going to be fun as hell but I’m not really trying to dive inside of one. Although after seeing this video I might just consider it someday.
George Kourounis is an explorer and documentarian and last month, along with fellow badass and explorer Sam Cossman, went deep into the Marum crater, located inside an active volcano in the archipelago of Vanuatu in the South Pacific. Kourounis called the expedition a “window into hell” and along with Cossmon, brought a GoPro so he could record the experience.
The video is incredible and viewers get to see up close and personal just how exhilarating of an experience this was. Kourounis and Cossman accompanied by two guides, Geoff Mackley and Brad Ambrose, spent a total of four days on the volcano, descending twice into the crater.
“When you see that shot of me [in the video] looking like a little silver dot, next to what appears to be a waterfall of lava, that was an extremely dangerous spot to be standing,” he told The Huffington Post. “It was a bit scary. If something were to have gone wrong. It would’ve happened quickly, and catastrophically.”
Cossman said that even though the experience was terrifying, all fear was “eclipsed by a surplus of adrenaline when dangling above the nearly unimaginable, sight of a glowing fiery pit likened only to the surface of the sun at close range.”