Find The Girl Who Is Going To Challenge You


Find the girl who is going to challenge you and I don’t mean fight you. I mean, challenge you to become a better man.

Find the girl who will challenge your mind and I don’t mean forcing her opinion down your throat. The girl who will give you books to read and articles that will challenge you, yourself to think differently on your own terms. Find the girl who will leave you with conversations you think about as you walk away.

Find the girl who is going to challenge your goals. The girl who will be in your corner supporting you no matter how crazy it may seem. The girl who isn’t afraid to take a chance with you, no matter what is at stake. Find the girl who will believe in you more than you believe in yourself. The girl who will push you to amount to a potential, you didn’t even know you were capable of reaching. Find the girl that looks at you with confidence that you’re capable of anything and it’ll be through her love you get there.

Find the girl who is going to challenge what you thought love was. The girl who makes you realize you’ve been doing it wrong this whole time.

The girl who loves you unconditionally even if you aren’t sure you’re ready for it. Find the girl who doesn’t ask much but gives even more. Find the girl who loves you for you and isn’t afraid of it. Find the girl that isn’t afraid of loving too hard or getting too hurt. Find the girl who will see you at your worst and still think you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to her.

Find the girl who is going to rob you of your sleep just knowing someone like her exists in the world.

Find a girl who will challenge you to take a chance because you’ll regret it if you don’t. Find the girl who will make you realize why it didn’t work out with anyone else in the past. Find the girl whose love heals you. Whose touch that makes you soft.

Find the girl who will challenge you to not want to be alone anymore.

But most of all find the girl who will make you the type of man worthy of standing beside her.