18 Things To Stop Apologizing For In 2018


1. The fact that one (or many) of your friends is more successful than you.

2. The fact that you’re more successful than one (or many) of your friends.

3. The fact that you’re insecure sometimes or a lot of times.

4. Your body image and the issues you’re working through when it comes to your body image.

5. When you disagree with someone and you explain why in a polite, humble, and respectful way.

6. Your need to feel loved.

7. The fact that you’re not good at most things on the first or tenth or fiftieth try.

8. The fact that it matters to you that your loved ones make time for you.

9. Your desire to try something new even though there’s a big chance that you might fail.

10. The fact that sometimes or a lot of times you have this human desire to be validated and you try to find that validation inwardly but sometimes it’s hard and you fail.

11. Feeling disrespected by someone when they disrespect you or feeling hurt by someone when they hurt you.

12. Wanting to have friends who make you feel accepted and safe and silly and loved.

13. The impostor syndrome you frequently feel in your life and how difficult it often is to work around it.

14. Walking away from unhealthy friendships or unhealthy jobs or unhealthy relationships or unhealthy anythings.

15. Feeling lost or tired or sad or not like yourself sometimes.

16. Needing to spend time alone with yourself to recharge or gain your sanity back or simply because you just feel like it.

17. Liking someone or loving someone and then telling them you like them or love them.

18. Earnestly trying to figure out who you are.