There’s More To Life Than This


You’re just a woman searching for a place to call her own.
You’re just a woman longing for a story to unfold.
You’re just a woman searching for her ocean
after years of jumping in puddles.
You’re just a woman holding lost , disheveled pieces of a puzzle.
You’re just a woman gazing at traffic lights disguised as stars.
You’re just a woman who does not lower standards , she raises bars.
You’re just a woman with a kite and no wind
You’re just a woman whose forgotten where to begin.
You’re just a woman looking at a glass half full.
You’re just a woman with unfulfilled potential.
You’re just a woman with big dreams and no plans.
You’re just a woman with the entire world in her hands.
You’re just a woman seeking a foundation.
You’re just a woman seeking truth.
You’re just a woman chasing youth.
You’re just a woman who knows there’s more.
You’re just a woman …
hear her roar.